YouthQuest Highlights: February 2020


Focus on Literacy

At Doyle Ryder Elementary, students focus on literacy in small groups. Twice a week, groups of five to seven students spend 45 minutes working on reaching reading goals specific to each student. During the session, they participate in group reading and activities designed to help them reach their goals. The success of the program is shown not only through students’ advancement but in how students enjoy the one-on-one support.

Staying Fit While Having Fun

To support physical fitness, elementary students at International Academy of Flint attend a variety of sports-centered clubs. This includes Karate Club, where students learn martial arts, confidence and self-discipline while engaging in physical activity; Cheerleading Club, which provides a cardio workout while teaching students about teamwork; and Yoga Club, which teaches students about bone growth and development and how to build muscle strength, endurance and flexibility.

From the Heart

Students at Brownell STEM Academy learned about hearts in more than one way. February is the month of Valentine’s Day and is also American Heart Month. To commemorate both, students made heart-shaped pillows to auction off during a family night. The money raised will be donated to the American Heart Society and to patients at a local nursing home to show their love.

Youth Leading the Way

Each month, students at YouthQuest sites participate in the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Club. The YAC is designed to put students in charge while teaching them leadership skills. Students in the committee hold office in positions such as president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Students in the group also complete projects including cleaning up their sites, making candygrams for fellow students and fundraising for local organizations.

YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

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