YouthQuest Highlights: December 2020


Changing it Up

To keep learning exciting at Eisenhower Elementary, learning guides took turns teaching students during homework help. Lead Learning Guide India Boone had the idea to change things up after realizing students were becoming complacent in the way she was teaching during this time slot. In order to keep students engaged, she decided to involve other learning guides so that students could experience a variety of teaching styles throughout the month. For example, one learning guide will teach a subject with a lecture, another will teach the same subject by playing a game and a third will use experiments to demonstrate the subject. This way, the lesson keeps students engaged and fits every students’ learning style.

Making Spirits Bright

For a December service-learning project, students at Accelerated Learning Academy took time to write holiday messages to residents at local group homes and assisted living facilities. The project helped students with writing skills and communication while sending kind words to individuals who may not receive many holiday cards during the season.

Music to My Ears

Students at Neithercut Elementary began working virtually with YouthQuest vendor Sphinx Overture Music. Each week for a half-hour, students attended a virtual music class where they participated in music activities. Students were provided instruments including recorders, rhythm sticks, shakers and tambourines which they used as they learned how to make music.

Looking Back

At Doyle-Ryder Elementary, students were given the opportunity to be leaders. Each day, a different student was chosen to lead reflection time, during which they helped other students reflect on their day. The exercise not only gave students an opportunity to practice leading skills, it also gave all students time to look back on their day and look forward to the next.

YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.