Job Application Follow-Up May Tip the Scales in Your Favor


Submitting a job application is the first step to getting a job. However, according to, the average corporate job opening receives 250 resumes—making the chances of getting an interview and getting a job offer low. However, there is a way applicants can help beat those statistics.

“In TeenQuest, we talk about how important it is to follow up on a job application,” says James Avery, director of Education & Training at the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, which administers the local pre-employment and leadership training program. “A quick follow-up thank-you call or note can prompt hiring managers to look at your resume before others.”

Here is what you should consider when following up on a job application:

  1. The closing date for job applications

If hiring managers are still accepting job applications for the position you applied for, you most likely won’t hear from someone until applications are closed. It is also important to wait a few business days after the applications are closed to follow up.

  1. Choose the right format

You may be wondering what the best way to follow up is. Hiring managers tend to agree that email is the best format for following up. Without knowing someone’s schedule, you may catch the person at a bad time if you call, whereas emails can be read anytime.

  1. Follow up only once

It is a bad practice to send more than one email regarding a job application. Following up more than once can be seen as overly eager or pushy.

  1. Use your connections

Knowing someone is always important. When following up on a job opportunity, look at the people know have met through previous jobs, school or other programs you may have been involved in. Are they connected to the workplace you’re interested in? If so, and if you have a good relationship with that person, consider reaching out to see if they can vouch for you. This personal touch can help you get to the top of the consideration list.

  1. Be informed

Before following up or reaching out, make sure you do your research first. Study the employer’s website to learn about their culture and values, re-read the job application and potentially reach out to those who you know might already work there. These steps can help you write a great follow-up email.

Not sure where to start when drafting a follow-up email? Follow these templates from

To learn more about the skills needed to stand up and stand out to local employers, high school students in Flint and Genesee County are encouraged to register for TeenQuest.

The program will be held in virtual format from Sept. 21 through Oct. 22. Students who successfully graduate from the program will be invited to attend the Summer Youth Initiative job fair in spring 2021.

For more information or to apply, visit

TeenQuest and Summer Youth Initiative are made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.