What is it like to travel in space? What do the stars look like in the January sky? These are some of the questions YouthQuest students will consider with this month’s theme: Outer Space.
“We are kicking off the year by studying outer space,” says Rhetta Hunyady, Vice President of Education & Training at the Flint and Genesee Chamber of Commerce. “Astronomy is part of the science curriculum for elementary schools and, more importantly, students love to learn about space!”
What will students be learning in January?
Want to help extend your student’s learning beyond YouthQuest? Parents can try some of the following activities to keep students engaged at home:
YouthQuest’s middle and high school programs are working on STEM experiments. Middle school students are working in groups to complete science projects. High school students are working on building miniature trampolines and use the scientific method to test Newton’s Laws of Physics.
Parents can help continue their students’ learning by asking students to be observant at home and write a brief summary about what they see. For example, when cooking in the kitchen, ask them to consider what kinds of chemical reactions are happening and why?
YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
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