At Neithercut Elementary, YouthQuest students worked with the Crim Garden Club to grow and harvest from their own garden. In March, students pickled some of their cucumbers and were amazed by how good the resulting pickles were. Students also started planning what vegetables they were going to grow this summer. Cucumbers made the list again!
Students at Holmes STEM Academy worked together to create toiletry bags for those in need. In the bags, students put deodorant, soap, socks, toothpaste and other items that might be useful. The students then donated the bags to Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties. For their efforts, the local organization presented the students with a certificate for their service work.
To reinforce physical fitness through fun, engaging activities, students at South Bendle Elementary participated in after-dinner dance parties. Students were able to request which songs they wanted to hear and everyone in the program, including staff, came together and danced. Through this activity, students have the chance to get some exercise and have some fun.
To promote physical fitness to students at Pierce Elementary, students were able to participate in a number of activities throughout March. This included yoga on Mondays, Zumba on Tuesdays and Karate on Wednesdays. Then, on Thursdays, students were in charge of choosing the physical activity that they participated in to help instill voice and choice for the students.
YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
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